Focus on game

Everything you need
scoreboard Score

Current score of the game and match.

sports_tennis Service

Yellow ball indicates where to serve.

Side change

Judge chair is the referene to indicates where you are placed. A red icon warns you about change side.

vibration Vibrator

Vibrations help you to control your gesture.

aod_watch Always on

Ambient mode or "Always on" mode allows to always display the score. Just activate it in your watch settings.

Scora in real life

See Scora app usage during real game.


Become premium


Once the match is over, get detailed stats.



Made a wrong gesture, dont panic, you can undo as many times as you want.


Match formats

2 or 3 sets, senior or junior, formats 1 to 7 are supported ; no-ad, tie-break, super-tiebreak can be configured.

Get The App Now

Wear Scora during your match and be peaceful about scores. Have fun and focus on your tennis level.